Capital Improvement Plan and Program Survey

We want to hear from you!

We are committed to fostering growth and progress, and your input is invaluable in shaping the future of our community. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance economic development and infrastructure, we are conducting this survey to gather insights and perspectives from residents.

Our efforts are guided by two significant initiatives: the Economic Development Strategy Document and the Capital Improvement Plan and Program (CIPP). These plans will help represent our vision for the future, guiding strategic decisions regarding infrastructure enhancements, economic growth initiatives, and community development projects.

Working closely with American Structurepoint, we are committed to developing strategies and plans that will reflect the aspirations and priorities of our town. Your participation in this survey will help ensure that these plans accurately reflect the needs and aspirations of our community.

To provide your input, please complete the survey. The survey closes on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. Thank you for helping us with this effort!