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Golf Cart Registration

The Town of Whitestown allows the use of golf carts within the Town. Golf carts are required to be registered and inspected annually by the Town of Whitestown. Guidelines have been established in the best interest of the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the Town. Below you will find information about registration, operation, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to register my golf cart?

Yes. Golf carts must be registered annually with the Town of Whitestown.

What is the registration fee?

The initial registration fee is $50. The annual renewal fee is $10.

Upon registration of the golf cart, the owner of said vehicle shall receive a registration sticker that must be displayed at all times during operation on Town Streets in a visible location on the rear of said vehicle. If a registration sticker is not available at the time of registration, the owner will receive written proof of registration to be carried during the operation of said vehicle on Town Streets until the registration sticker is issued. The registration may not be transferred to another person.

How long is the registration valid?

Golf cart registration is valid one calendar year from the date of registration.

How do I register my golf cart?

Fill out this form.

After submitting the registration form, a member of the Code Enforcement Department will contact you to schedule an inspection of your golf cart. Payment is due at the time of inspection (check or money order paid to Town of Whitestown).

Do I need insurance on the golf cart?

Yes. The owner of the golf cart must provide proof of insurance before the vehicle may be registered and maintain insurance on said vehicle.

What does the golf cart need to have to pass the inspection?
  • Brakes capable of decelerating at a rate of fourteen (14) feet per second, including two (2) separate means of applying the brakes, each of which must apply the brakes to at least two (2) wheels, except for two-wheeled vehicles,(with compliance to be determined by an actual road test conducted on a substantially level, dry, smooth, hard-surfaced road that is free from loose material, and with stopping distance measured from the actual instant braking controls are moved and from an initial speed of twenty (20) miles per hour, or another suitable mechanical test that recreates the same conditions)
  • A horn, in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than two hundred (200) feet
  • At least two (2) head lamps for four-wheeled vehicles and one (1) head lamp for two-wheeled vehicles, located at a height not less than twenty-four (24) inches and not more than fifty-four (54) inches above the roadway
  • At least one (1) tail lamp that emits light plainly visible from a distance of five hundred (500) feet to the rear, located not less than twenty (20) inches and not more than seventy-two (72) inches from the roadway
  • Two (2) red reflectors carried on the rear, either as part of the tail lamps or separately, mounted at a height not less than twenty (20) inches and not more than sixty (60) inches from the roadway, and visible from distances of one hundred (100) to six hundred (600) feet to the rear when illuminated by the upper beams of head lamps
  • Not more than two (2) spot lamps nor more than two (2) fog lamps
  • Stop lamps displaying a red or amber light, activated upon application of the foot brake, and visible from a distance of at least one hundred (I 00) feet to the rear of the vehicle
  • A muffler (if not an electric-powered Non-Traditional Vehicle) free from exhaust gas leaks, that is in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive noise
  • A rearview mirror that reflects to the driver a view of the road from a distance of at least two hundred (200) to the rear of the vehicle
  • Rubber tires (though tire chains, ice grips, or tire studs may be installed for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions, as long as they are constructed to prevent any appreciable damage to the road surface)
  • A slow moving vehicle emblem if the vehicle does not operate at more than twenty-five (25) miles per hour
What are the rules for operating a golf cart?
  • Golf carts are subject to the Town’s traffic and parking regulations.
  • Golf carts must be registered annually with the Town of Whitestown and properly insured.
  • A person younger than 16 years old is prohibited from operating a golf cart.
  • The operators must have a valid Indiana driver’s license or a valid driver’s license issued by another state.
  • The golf cart must not be operated in a reckless manner.
What are the penalties for violating the rules?
  • Operation of non-registered golf cart – $100
  • Operation by person under 16 years old – $100
  • Operation without valid driver’s license – $100
  • Operation in a reckless manner – $150
  • Operating without valid insurance – $100
  • Operating on state street, except to cross at an intersection – $100
Who can I contact with questions?

How can we help?

If you have questions, please call us at 317-769-6557 or fill out our contact form.

Our offices are open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Whitestown Municipal Complex
6210 Veterans Drive
Whitestown, IN 46075