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Cyber Security & Online Safety Focus of 2019 National Night Out

Jul 16, 2019 | News, Parks & Recreation Department

It’s an event that draws thousands of residents to meet and interact with the police officers who work to protect them every day. And this year, the Whitestown Metropolitan Police Department’s National Night Out Against Crime event will also focus on keeping our residents safe from the growing threat of online predators and cyber criminals.

“Cyber security is an ever-growing concern,” says Chief of Police Dennis Anderson. “Each year, as technology gets better, we see more and more incidents across the nation of cybercrimes, cyberattacks, and cyberbullying. With a tiny computer in everyone’s hand these days, there’s more and more opportunity for criminals to target you and your children.” says Chief Anderson.

It’s because of this growing threat that the new W.M.P.D. headquarters, currently under construction, will house the first cyber forensics lab in Boone County.

At Whitestown’s 11th annual National Night Out, officers will give demonstrations and share helpful information with parents and children concerning cyber security. Our officers will teach residents how to avoid unnecessary risks and how to be proactive in protecting themselves online. Visitors should stop by the Whitestown Metropolitan Police Department booth to learn more. “There are all kinds of simple ways to keep your family members from becoming victims,” says W.M.P.D. cyber security detective David Seller. “We’ll teach parents about parental blocking and monitoring apps that they may find helpful, as well as how to look for hidden apps on their children’s phones that may be hiding potentially nefarious activity.”

“We’ll still have all of the fun events our residents have grown to love, like the free zipline rides, bounce houses, and the very popular kids vs. police officers water balloon fight,” explains Chief Anderson. “But we’ll also use this opportunity to share a serious message with all of our residents in an effort to keep them safer.”

National Night Out Against Crime is a nationwide event that takes place annually on the first Tuesday in August. Whitestown’s National Night Out 2019 will be held Tuesday, August 6th from 4-8 p.m. in the parking lot of the Whitestown Municipal Complex at 6210 Veterans Drive. The event is completely free for our residents thanks to the generosity of our local business sponsors. There will be free food, drinks, treats, and giveaways, as well as local booths, games, and interactive demonstrations and displays. Kids will have the opportunity to meet their local police officers and firefighters and see first-response vehicles and equipment from across Boone County up close.

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