Police Department
Working together to improve our quality of lifeThe Whitestown Metropolitan Police Department works in partnership with the community to reduce crime, provide a sense of safety and security, and improve the quality of life for those who visit, live, and work in the Town of Whitestown.
WMPD strives to eliminate crime, the fear of crime, and build public trust by inspiring and empowering our community to work together to make Whitestown the safest community in America.
Contact Us
Police Department
Scott Rolston, Chief of Police
6208 Veterans Drive
Whitestown, IN 46075

Gun Permit

Extra Patrol




Mission, Vision and Values
Mission Statement
To work in partnership with the community to reduce crime, provide a sense of safety and security and improve the quality of life for those who visit, live, and work in the Town of Whitestown.
Visions Statement
The Whitestown Metropolitan Police Department will strive to eliminate crime, the fear of crime, and build public trust by inspiring and empowering our community to work together to improve our quality of life, and make Whitestown the safest community in America.
Values Statement
For the Whitestown Metropolitan Police Department to maintain public trust, we must constantly demonstrate that our partnership with the community will be objective and securely rooted in consistently applied ethical principles. As an organization, our principal goals are the preservation and protection of human life, and propose to fairly and impartially carry out the Mission of the Department with P.R.I.D.E.Partnership – We take pride in developing relationships with the people we serve.
Respect – We respect and value the dignity and worth of all persons, recognizing that diversity enriches our community.
Innovation – We will remain an innovative and progressive organization through leadership, education and technology in partnership with the community we serve.
Dedication – We hold an individual’s right to constitutional protection sacred and place the highest value on preserving life. We are accountable and responsive to the community that we serve.
Excellence – We will strive for excellence through a solemn commitment to maintain the highest levels of personal and organizational integrity, the effective and efficient use of resources, and promote teamwork and the empowerment of employees at all levels.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I File a Police Report?
To file any police report please call the Whitestown Metropolitan Police Department Non Emergency Communications line at 765-482-1412.
How Can I Get a Copy of an Accident Report?
Indiana Crash reports are available at buycrash.com.
Where Can I Obtain Information on Whitestown Town Ordinances?
Ordinance information can be obtained by contacting the Whitestown Town Clerk at 317-769-2677 ext # 4532 or by reviewing this document.
Where Can I Obtain Information on Indiana State Statutory Violations?
All State of Indiana Laws can be found at the Indiana Judiciary.
Someone I Know Has Been Arrested, How Do I Obtain Information on Their Release?
All persons arrested in Boone County are housed and processed at the Boone County Jail. Information can be obtained from the Boone County Sheriffs Department.
How do I register a golf cart?
Find out the regulations and register your golf cart here.
What can I do about solicitors visiting my home?
While we don’t maintain a list of non-soliciting houses, we do offer “no soliciting” stickers for our residents to display in their homes. Stop by the Whitestown Police Department (6208 Veterans Drive) between 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Stickers are also available at the Whitestown Municipal Complex (6210 Veterans Drive) between 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Investigations Division
The mission of the Investigations Division is to provide to the community the protection of uncovering crimes before they are committed and to bring to justice those criminals who choose to commit crimes within our community. We strive to achieve these goals and it would not be possible without an effective police / community partnership.
Our main function is to investigate crime; ascertain suspects; and make the appropriate arrests. The length of these investigations may span several hours to several years in order to have sufficient evidence to make a lawful arrest.
Bike with a Cop
This program is put on by WMPD’s Bike Patrol and creates an opportunity for officers to interact and build relationships with the community youth in a fun and educational environment.
Operations Division
Since the formation of the Whitestown Metropolitan Police Department in 2008, the Operations Division has embraced the concept of “Community Policing.” The reason for this implementation is very simple…it works. We continue to work tirelessly to combine the resources of our Police Department with those of neighborhood groups, social media, local service agencies and other entities to provide a blanket of service, able to cover nearly every situation that arises. No single agency can do it alone, but by working together and continually encouraging participation from the community, we are better suited to achieve our common goal. The Whitestown Police Department ensures the quality of life, within our jurisdiction by not only working for you but with you.
In order to best serve our community and preserve the life and safety of all residents and visitors, all of our Public Safety Officers are cross-trained in Emergency Medical.
The Operations Division patrols 24hrs a day 365 days a year working closely with the Criminal Investigations Division to protect and serve all residents and visitors of the Town of Whitestown.
Reserve Division
Service as a reserve officer will offer you training, challenge, excitement, teamwork, opportunities for special assignments, and significant personal rewards.
You will become a member of a very special organization that is being built upon honor, tradition, service, courage and commitment.
After the successful completion of a certified reserve academy and extensive field training, reserve officers work in solo-capacities in marked police vehicles, as independent and full-authority police officers. Our reserve officers wear the same uniform as career officers, and they drive the same police vehicles. They seamlessly respond to the same radio calls for service, and they perform the same police job duties as career officers.
Reserve officers may continue in uniform patrol, or they may be assigned to specialty units. Our reserve officers are highly regarded by our career officers, and they are fully integrated in all aspects of the police department’s operations.
Reserve officers are required to work a minimum of 24hrs a month, for a total of 288 hours each year. Because of the exciting and rewarding nature of police work, many of our reserve officers work forty to sixty hours each month, and they easily exceed the annual minimum service requirement.
We only accept reserve applications from qualified applicants who have successfully completed an Indiana law enforcement training board, certified reserve or full basic academy.
40hr pre-basic training alone, does not qualify.
If you are interested in applying for a reserve division opportunity, please contact recruiter@whitestownpolice.org to obtain a pre-screen application.
Traffic Enforcement Division
Officers within the Whitestown Metropolitan Police Departments Traffic Division are responsible for enforcing all state and local, traffic and criminal laws. These enforcement activities can take place anywhere within the town and are not just limited to major streets or highways.
Public awareness and education is the primary goal with any enforcement activity. It is our hope that thru effective education and awareness the public will understand that traffic laws save lives.
The department currently has four certified motorcycle enforcement officers. These officers are responsible for enforcing traffic laws, identifying high accident locations within the Town of Whitestown and working proactively to reduce accidents and traffic fatalities. These officers must pass an intensive 80-hour police motorcycle training course before they are allowed to participate in motor enforcement activities.
Additionally, motor officers are an important part of the Towns special events, due to their maneuverability in heavily congested areas. Motor officers also provide special event escorts and work special traffic direction details as needed.
All of our traffic officers have ancillary duties including training, investigations, administration and standard patrol duties. All officers work both day and night shifts.
If you would like to report speeding vehicles in your neighborhood or another type of traffic issue please call us at 317-769-2677 or email us at contact@whitestown.in.gov.
Bicycle Patrol Officers
With the extreme growth and demographic changes that the Town of Whitestown has and will be experiencing, the Whitestown Metropolitan Police Department began a Bicycle Patrol program in June 2015. Police Bicycle programs have found great success in urban settings throughout the U.S. According to the International Police Mountain Bike Association I.P.M.B.A, more than 2,200 departments in 43 states are using bike patrols.
Officers deployed on bikes are invaluable for community events like WMPD’s National Night Out and the Whitestown Brew Fest as they can effectively patrol with high visibility in pedestrian and congested traffic areas. WMPD Bike Officers also effectively patrol all neighborhoods in town to promote community policing efforts. Bicycle Officers are often more approachable on a bike than in a police vehicle that is moving with the flow of traffic.
All WMPD Bike Officers attend a 40-hour bicycle-training course after being selected to participate in the program. The training covers a wide range of topics, from personal fitness to bicycling techniques in an urban setting.

Featured Documents
Department News
Pedal into Fun at Bike with a Cop
Whitestown, IN [June 12, 2024] – Get ready to pedal into fun as the Whitestown Metropolitan Police Department's Bike Patrol announces the return of Bike with a Cop. This program promotes positive relationships between law enforcement and the community's youth while...
Lace Up for the Whitestown Battle of the Badges 5K
Whitestown, IN [April 17, 2024] - Get ready to lace up your running (or walking) shoes for the Battle of the Badges 5K on Saturday, April 20 at 8 a.m. This year, participants will race through the heart of Whitestown in Legacy Core and on the Big 4 Trail. The Battle...