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Welcome to Whitestown

Whitestown, Indiana is a safe and vibrant community that more than 10,000 residents call home. Whitestown is also one of the fastest-growing communities in Indiana.

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It feels like home.

For nearly a decade, Whitestown has been the fastest growing community in Indiana, while retaining its small-town charm and agricultural roots.

Located near Interstate-65, Whitestown is less than 30 minutes from downtown Indianapolis and the Indianapolis International Airport.

Whitestown was
founded in 1851

Fastest growing
community in Indiana

50+ acres of parks &
13+ miles of trails

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 Our Parks

Main Street Park

Main Street Park

4286 S. Main Street

Whitestown, IN Anson Acres Shelter Rental

Anson Acres Park

4671 Anson Boulevard

Gateway Park Playground Equipment

Gateway Park

6150 Gateway E. Drive

Main Street Park

Panther Park

300 S. Buck Street

Main Street Park

Big 4 Linear Trail Park

106 S. Main Street

Jackson Run Park

Jackson Run Park

2816 Grassy Branch Drive

Whitestown, IN Neighborhood

Latest News

The 3rd Annual Christmas Spree with WMPD

The 3rd Annual Christmas Spree with WMPD

The Whitestown Metropolitan Police Department (WMPD) is proud to announce the return of the Christmas Spree with WMPD, a program designed to support families in need within Whitestown.

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