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News from the Town of Whitestown

Whitestown receives grant for road improvements

Nov 14, 2023 | Department of Public Works, News

The Town of Whitestown has received a Community Crossings Grant from the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) in the amount of $670,352.48.

The funds will be used to resurface CR 200 S from Main Street to Town limits, Main Street from CR 230 to CR 200, CR 225, CR 230, and Indigo Blue from Albert S White to the roundabout in Walker Farms. Included within the CR 225 to CR 230 is the replacement of drainage pipes, culvert pipes, and the cleaning of the right-of-way ditches. The completion date will be determined after a contractor is selected.

Communities submitted applications for funding during a highly competitive call for projects in July. Funding for Community Crossings comes from the state’s local road and bridge matching grant fund. The Community Crossings initiative has provided nearly $1.5 billion in state matching funds for local road improvement projects since 2016.

To qualify for funding, local governments must provide local matching funds and submit an INDOT-approved asset management plan for maintaining existing roads and bridges. Whitestown is one of 188 Indiana cities, towns, and counties that received a combined $91.5 million in state matching funds.

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